Message of Chief Patron

Message of Chief Patron

With the motto “We Shall Bloom” Mainamati English School & College (MESC) is moving forward at an irresistible pace. It is an immense pleasure to me to acknowledge that MESC has taken a grand initiative towards the digitalized Bangladesh through opening its official website. This initiative truly deserves a high appreciation as MESC has remained focused to convey all necessary information to its parents/guardians and well-wishers through the website.

I heartily congratulate the Governing Body for their guidance and initiatives. I congratulate the faculty and staff of MESC for their relentless efforts to keep its every member with information updates.

I also thank the parents and guardians for their constant support and cooperation which has indeed helped the students bringing the crown of glory to this institute. I would like to thank the Governing Body, Principal, teachers, staffs and guardians to put an all-out effort to impart quality education to our children so that the school can be one of the leading institutions not only in Cumilla but also in Bangladesh.

 I wish MESC to be more affluent day by day. May Allah, the Almighty bless us all.

Maj Gen Abul Hasnat Mohammad Tariq, ndu, afwc, psc

33 Infantry Division & Area Commander
Cumilla Area
Chief Patron, Mainamati English School and College

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